The FCNM "Homero Ortiz" library is located in Building 9I. This peaceful space allows students to review essential materials for their studies. The library offers specific bibliographic resources for various areas of knowledge, as well as digital bibliography access.

The auditorium in Building 9E hosts various faculty activities. Here, talks, workshops, symposiums, conferences, and other events related to FCNM's areas of study take place. This area aims to promote academic development for students, professors, and all members of the community.

Building 9B has several classrooms utilizing PPL (Peer Project Learning), a learning methodology involving interaction among peers and team-based learning. This space also encourages the strengthening of autonomous learning through the necessary tools and guidance for successful outcomes.

In Building 9G, you will find the office of the FCNM Student Association. This space provides a private area for all faculty students to use during their free hours, whether it's for studying or resting. It's a resource that offers students the opportunity for leisure and socializing while completing their studies.