Date: April 22
- Background:
The Mathematical Kangaroo Olympiad began in France 30 years ago under the auspices of the European Council, becoming the student competition with the highest participation worldwide; approximately 5 million students from more than 90 countries participate annually.
In 2006, Ecuador was invited to participate in the XIV International Meeting of the Mathematical Kangaroo Olympiad with the aim of joining the 35 countries that were part of the Kangaroo Without Borders Association, which is responsible for annually preparing the corresponding test with the purpose of showcasing the type of mathematics that fosters students' imagination and ingenuity, and so that participating students can know and further develop their own talent.
Within the framework of the XVI Meeting of the Kangaroo Without Borders Association, Ecuador and other countries were incorporated as members of the association. Each member country of the Association applies the Mathematical Kangaroo test independently, but almost simultaneously, under conditions and levels that they deem appropriate.
The olympiad consists of 6 levels (Initial, School, Benjamin, Cadet, Junior, and Student), which range from the third basic year to the pre-university level. In Ecuador, the Mathematical Kangaroo Olympiad is organized by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral University, with the sponsorship of the Spanish company INNOVAMAT.
- Objectives:
a) Stimulate the participation of students in basic and middle education regardless of whether they are the students who obtain the best grades in the subject.
b) Avoid selecting students to participate in this competition.
c) Intensificar el gusto por el estudio de las matemáticas.
d) Popularize the study of mathematics, incorporating those students who are afraid of this subject.
e) Create a space where students discover the playful sense of mathematics and have fun solving situations related to this science.
- Registrations:
In order to participate in the Mathematical Kangaroo Olympiad, institutions and students who wish to do so must comply with the following:
a) All students from the third basic year to the pre-university level may participate.
b) Basic and middle-level educational institutions participating must register their students according to the level that corresponds to them, according to the following table:
INITIAL | Third and Fourth Elementary Year |
SCHOOL | Fifth and Sixth Elementary Year |
BENJAMÍN | Seventh and Eighth Elementary Year |
CADET | Ninth and Tenth Elementary Year |
JUNIOR | First and Second Year of High School |
STUDENT | Third Year of High School and Pre-University |
c) Students from institutions that do not participate may register for this olympiad according to the detailed table in item b)
Registrations must be made according to the following instructions:
a) Each participating institution must appoint at least one teacher responsible for the registration and receipt of the tests according to the stipulated schedule.
b) The registration fee per student is:
Private or Fiscomisional Schools | 5 USD |
Public Schools | Free of Charge |
c) Registrations will be made online by accessing the Registration Form at the end of this section from Wednesday, February 15th to Monday, April 10th, 2023.
d) Upon completing the registration of participants, the respective payment must be made on the same registration page using credit or debit cards; or by making a bank transfer with the following details:
RUC Number: 0968592010001
Address: Km 30.5 Vía Perimetral.
Code: 140399
Account Type: #Cta. Cte. 742778-6 del Banco del Pacífico
Description: Competencias de la FCNM
Evidence of the transfer must be uploaded on the website upon completing the student registration.
e) Each student must have a personal email account, which must be entered in the Registration Form.
f) Registrations will be accepted until Monday, April 10th, 2023.